For Haumea staff and organization, flexibility represents a great plus-value that customers recognize and appreciate. Starting from the warehouse, arranged to assure material availability "just in time" for the internal production as well as for the external assistance requests. The delivery within 24/48 hours from the order is the result.
Every step of the production, from the project to the finished product, is managed by engineers able to study and verify all necessities and decide if the best way is a standard custom-made assembly or a brand new creation.
During the planetary gearbox manufacturing, after the collection of all technical data of the product to realize, is made a selection on the working and life cycle project.
Afterwards is generated an univocal code number that follows the item during all next stages until the delivery to the customer, enabling the traceability during all its life. Once the code has been created, the production can start and the drawing, the assembly and the final quality test on the 100% of the manufactured quantity, as well as the shipment, are effected within 24/48 hours.
As regards the distribution of what is not internally produced, this is assured anyway within 24/48 hours thanks to a wide components stock available.